mercoledì 6 gennaio 2021

Suddivisione IARU delle bande a microonde

Nota la ripartizione delle frequenze, stabilita da ogni Paese con una propria legislazione, per conoscere il tipo di emissione e la banda occupata utilizzabile la IARU, l'Unione Internazionale dei Radio Amatori, suddivide a sua volta ogni banda in sottobande.

Questa suddivisione è subordinata alla concessione delle frequenze; quindi particolari modalità come potenza massima, limiti di frequenza o statuto devono essere seguiti secondo la normativa locale vigente.

Frequenze attribuite in Italia
Frequenze non attribuite in Italia

IARU Region 1 SHF band plan - Effective December 2020 (VGC Novi Sad)

SubBand limits (MHz) BW (Hz) Mode Note
3400.000 - 3400.800 500 MGM & CW

EME Centre of activity
3400.750 - 3400.800

Local beacons
3400.800 - 3400.995 500 MGM & CW Beacons only
3401.000 - 3402.000 2700 all modes
3402.000 - 3410.000 Not spec. all modes satellite downlinks
3410.000 - 3475.000 Not spec. all modes

SubBand limits (MHz) BW (Hz) Mode Note
5650.000 - 5668.000 2700 all modes Amateur Satellite service (uplink)
5668.000 - 5670.000 2700 all modes

Narrow band center of activity (a) Amateur Satellite Service ( up-link)
5670.000 - 5700.000 Not spec. MGM
5720.000 - 5760.000 Not spec. all modes
5760.000 - 5760.800 2700 all modes

Narrow band center of activity
5760.750 - 5760.800

Local Beacon
5760.800 - 5760.990 Not spec. MGM & CW Beacons only
5761.000 - 5762.000 2700 all modes
5762.000 – 5770.000 Not spec. all modes
5770.000 - 5790.000 Not spec. all modes
5790.000 – 5830.000 Not spec. all modes Amateur Satellite service (down link)
5830.000 - 5850.000 Not spec. all modes Amateur Satellite service (down link)

SubBand limits (MHz) BW (Hz) Mode Note
10000.000 - 10150.000 Not spec. MGM
10150.000 - 10250.000 Not spec. all modes
10250.000 – 10300.000 Not spec. MGM
10300.000 – 10350.000 Not spec. MGM
10350.000 - 10368.000 Not spec. all modes
10368.000 - 10368.800 2700 all modes

Narrow band center of activity
10368.750 - 10368.800

Local Beacon
10368.800 - 10368.990

Beacons only
10369.000 - 10370.000 2700 all modes
10370.000 - 10450.000
all modes
10450.000 - 10500.000
all modes
10450 - 10452

Narrow band modes in countries where 10.368-10.370 is not available

SubBand limits (MHz) BW (Hz) Mode Note
24000.000 - 24048.000
all modes

Wideband centre of activity
24048.000 - 24048.800 2700 all modes

24048.750 - 24048.800

Local Beacon
24048.800 - 24048.995
all modes Beacons only
24049.000 - 24050.000 2700 all modes Amateur Satellite service. Narrow band modes
24050.000 - 24250.000

IARU Region 1 μWave band plan - Effective December 2020 (VGC Novi Sad)

SubBand limits (GHz) BW (Hz) Mode Note
47.000 - 47.088 Not spec. all modes
47.088 - 47.090 2700 all modes
47.090 - 47.200 Not spec. all modes

SubBand limits (GHz) BW (Hz) Mode Note
75.500 - 76.000 2700 all modes AMATEUR SATELLITE SERVICE (Preferred)

Preferred Narrow band centre of activity
76.000 - 77.500 Not spec. all modes

Narrow Band Centre of activity in some countries (not preferred)
77.500 - 77.501 2700 all modes
77.500 200
Preferred NB centre of activity in countries outside the CEPT area. AMATEUR SATELLITE SERVICE
77.501 - 78.000 Not spec. all modes preferred segment
78.000 – 81.000 Not spec. all modes Not preferred segment
81.000 - 81.500 Not spec. all modes Not preferred segment

SubBand limits (GHz) BW (Hz) Mode Note
122.250 - 122.251 2700 all mode narrow band modes
122.251 - 123.000 Not spec. all mode

SubBand limits (GHz) BW (Hz) Mode Note
134.000 - 134.928 Not spec. all mode AMATEUR SATELLITE SERVICE
134.928 - 134.930 2700 all mode

Narrow band centre of activity
134.930 - 136.000 Not spec. all mode
136.000 - 141.000 Not spec. all mode Not preferred segment

SubBand limits (GHz) BW (Hz) Mode Note
241.000 - 248.000 Not spec. all mode Not preferred segment
248.000 - 248.001 Not spec. all mode AMATEUR SATELLITE SERVICE & NARROW BAND MODES
248.001 - 250.000 Not spec. all mode preferred segment


All modes CW, Phone and those other modes listed as Centres of Activity, plus AM (consideration should then be given to adjacent channel users)
Narrow band modes All modes using up to 500 Hz bandwidth, including CW, RTTY, PSK etc.
MGM Machine Generated Mode